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2024-2025 Projects !

2022-23 Independence 4-H
Club Projects

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Club Project List

Adding projects on your county enrollment form does not register you for that project. You must sign-up for the projects at the club level, and after confirmation from the club your county enrollment will be updated.

Wanted: Fabulous 4-H Project Ideas

Project Leader: Amazing Volunteers Wanted

Dates: TBD

Time:  TBD

Locations:  TBD

Ages:  all ages


Spring Projects Arriving in 2025  

We are currently working on offering more projects in the Spring 2025. As soon as projects are confirmed they will be posted.

Arts & Crafts:

Project Leader: Maria Casey & Felecia Pederson

Teen Leader: Abbey

Dates: 11/17, 12/1, 1/12, 3/2

Time:  12:30-3:30

Location:  Youth Ag & Leadership Building, Rohnert Park


​Ages: all ages.  Max: 10

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Beginning 4-H (Closed for 2024-2025)

Project Leader:    

Teen Leader: 

Dates: To Be Announced

Ages: all ages.  Max: unlimited

Birds: Backyard Chickens

Project Leader: Mendy Tuhtan

Teen Leader: Antonia

Dates: October - May

Third Monday of each month, unless it is a holiday.
Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Location: Sebastopol & Field Trips within West Sonoma County

Ages: all ages.  Max: 10 members

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Dogs: Beginning Obedience & Showmanship

Project Leader: Katie Webb


           10/6:   10am-11am

           11/3:   12:30-2:30pm

           12/1:   10am-12 noon

             2/2:   12:30-2:30pm

             3/2:   12:30-2:30pm

             4/6:   10am-12 noon  

             5/3:    10am-12 noon    

​Location: Ragle Ranch & Areas around Sebastopol

Ages: all ages.  Max: 8 members

Dogs: Advanced Dog Obedience,Showmanship & Agility

Project Leader: Lenore Ryan



Advanced Obedience/Showmanship & Agility

2nd or 3rd Saturdays of each month. TBD by Group

Starting in November 2024 thru May 2025

Time: 1pm-3pm

Location: Todd Road, Sebastopol

Ages: all ages


Project Leader: Lindsay Maddocks

Teen Leaders:  Camille

Dates: 10/13, 12/7, 2/9, 4/13

Time: 1pm-3pm

Location:  Sebastopol

Ages: all ages

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Gelli Printing

Project Leaders: Chelle McDonell

Teen Leader: TBD

Dates: 10/20 & 11/10. Spring Meeting Dates TBD

Time: 11:15-12:30

Location:  Youth Ag Leadership Building, Rohnert Park

Ages: All Ages


Project Leader: Katie Webb

Co-Leader: Sara Bard

Junior Leader: Leo & Antonia


     10/27:  10am-12noon

     12/8  :  10am-12noon

      2/23 :  10am-12noon

      4/6   :  1:30pm - 3:30pm

Location: Sebastopol

Ages: All ages

Presentation Skills Project

Project Leader: Maria Casey

Teen Leader: Abbey

Dates: TBD   Begins in October and ends in February

Ages: All Ages

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Pygmy Goats

Project Leader:  Lacey Malone

Dates: To Follow

Time: To Follow

Location:  Rincon Valley, Santa Rosa

Cross Club Form required for this project

Ages: all ages


Project Leaders: Robin Hobbins

Dates: 10/5 & 10/19​

Time:  10am-1pm

Location:  Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol

Ages: all ages

Made Local

Project Leader: Lindsay Maddocks

Junior Leader:  Camille

Dates: Being Finalized 

Time:  TBD

Location: Sonoma County

Ages: All ages  Max: 10 members

Sewing (Pending)

Project Leader: 

Assistance Project Leader:  

Teen Leaders:  




Ages: all ages


Project Leader: Chelle McDonell

Dates: 10/20, 10/27*, 11/3, 11/10, 12/8 

Time:  1pm - 2:30pm 

Location:  Youth Ag & Leadership Building in Rohnert Park

                  *10/27 Date @ Santa Rosa Residence

Ages: 10 and up.  Max: 10

Cross Club Projects:  

4-H members may participate in projects offered by a neighboring club, county or state if the headquarter club does not offer the 4-H project a member is interested in.  The community 4-H club and project adult volunteers in both clubs and 4-H Youth Development Program (YDP) staff in all counties and states involved must approve the participation. 


It is the responsibility of the 4-H member and their parent/guardian to acquire the signatures of the home and host community 4-H club and project adult volunteers. Please request a Cross Club Project form from your Community Club Leader.  The completed request/agreement form must be returned to the home county 4-H office for verification and approval.  The county 4-H YDP will contact the host county 4-H staff for approval.

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