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Independence Day Bunting
Independence Day Bunting

Election Information

Are you interested in participating in the 4-H Executive Board, or holding a support role in our club?  


Read through the job descriptions with your parents and consider selecting a job that you are interested in.


Parents, Executive board positions require an additional meeting each month (traditionally Sunday late afternoon/evening), annual planning, training meetings, and independent work in preparation of our club's general meetings. Please be certain that you are willing to support your child in their commitment and work.


Information about different club roles was given at the March club meeting by the current executive board. 


We will invite members to nominate each other or themselves for office at the April meeting. Deadline for nominations is April 14th. Email your nomination to if you are unable to make the nomination in-person.


Club Leader is also an elected position, which will be on the ballot and may be shared or divided. Please talk with Lindsay or Chelle or nominate yourself if you are interested in running or in helping share the load


Elections for the 2024-25 year will be held at the May meeting. Candidates will make brief speeches. Voting will be by anonymous ballot. 


For full, official descriptions, see the 4-H Officer's Manual

Here are summaries of the available executive board positions as executed in our club: 


Club President:

Represent our club and help provide leadership to the team of officers. Work with the the officer advisor and other officers to set club goals, organize activities, and plan programs for the year. Plan, lead and create agendas for the annual planning and monthly club meetings, makes sure that officers give reports on club business and engages all members in club committees and activities. Help maintain the club website and ensure it is accurate and up to date. See page 17 of the Officer's Manual for details. 


  • 15 years or older

  • In 4-H for at least 5 years

  • On the executive board for at least one year

  • Comfortable engaging with members, leaders, parents and community members



Meet with the team of club officers and officer advisor(s) to develop a club budget for the year. Account fully for all money that is received and/or spent. Pay all bills authorized for payment by the club budget or by club members. Maintain financial records including copies of all invoices, bills and cash receipts relating to the funds and property of your club. Keep accurate, up-to-date records in the ledgers or on a computer using accounting software. Balance or reconcile the ledger reports with bank statements every month. Keep an inventory of club property and equipment. Balance all the reports for the year and compile and complete the treasurer book at the end of the 4-H year. See page 22 of the Officer's Manual for details.


  • 14 years or older

  • In 4-H for at least 4 years

  • On the executive board for at least one year

  • Highly organized and comfortable with record keeping


Recording Secretary:

Take minutes for each meeting. Minutes are notes about the who, what, when and how of the club meeting. Keep accurate, legible minutes. Create and update a Secretary’s binder for the program year, including: annual goals and annual program plans, annual club planner, club roster and attendance, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, committee reports, correspondence, and outreach methods documentation. See page 20-21 of the Officer's Manual for details


  • 13 years or older

  • In 4-H 4 years or longer

  • On the executive board for at least one year

  • Accurate note-taker


Vice President of Programs:

Create an annual club program calendar. Plan and lead the program of every club meeting, including inviting guests. Make sure that club members learn something new, experience something different and build their skills during the club meetings. Organize teams for program activities. Collaborate with Civic Engagement and Healthy Living officers to combine programs, community service activities and healthy living activities. See page 18 of the Officer's Manual for details.


  • 11 years or older

  • on the executive board for at least one year

  • highly organized 

  • strong follow-up skills


Civic Engagement Officer

Provide community service and service learning opportunities for club members during and outside of meetings. Inform members of opportunities via the website, newsletter and announcements at meetings. Reach out to local service organizations. Work with VP of Programs to coordinate bringing guests and service activities to the club meetings. Help lead these programs. Deliver donations. Promote community service and service learning, and help inform members about the differences between the two. 


  • 11 years or older

  • comfortable contacting and communicating with people outside the club

  • strong follow-up skills


Healthy Living Officer:

Take responsibility for educating, inspiring and leading club members as they pledge their “health for better living.”  Create and lead health-related activities for each meeting and inform and educate your club members about easy ways to incorporate physical activity and healthy eating habits into their lives. Coordinate with the VP of Programs and the Civic Engagement Officer to integrate healthy living activities into the programs at club meetings and activities throughout the year. See page 23 of the Officer's Manual for details.


  • 10 years or older 

  • Able to communicate clearly in front of a group


Attendance Secretary: 

Learn the names of every member. Keep attendance records for the club. Update the member roster. File attendance records and member roster in the secretary’s binder. Create and maintain name tags for all members and leaders. Take roll at each club meeting by checking members and leaders in at the entrance and keep a record of who attended each meeting. Count guests at each meeting and record the number. Welcome new members. (See page 20-21 of the Officer's Manual for details.)


  • 10 years or older

  • Highly organized 

  • Comfortable communicating with parents and members


Correspondence Secretary:

Collect and write all correspondence for the club. Send thank-you notes to guest speakers and to people who make donations to the club. Work with other board members so that you can send thank-you notes to donors, guest speakers and others in a timely manner. File all correspondence in the secretary’s binder. (See page 20-21 of the Officer's Manual for details.)


  • 10 years or older

  • good writing/penmanship

  • follow-through skills


Other Non-elected positions: Ask Clay, Lindsay or Chelle about these and...(See page 24-26 of the Officer's Manual for details.)

  • Junior Project Leader

  • Teen Project Leader

  • Song or Recreation Leader

  • Newsletter Editor

  • Store Manager

  • Prize Bin Manager

  • Club Reporter

  • Club Historian

  • Sergeant at Arms

  • Club Photographer

  • Club Host/Hostess

  • If you've got skills to contribute or something you'd like to do, please let us know. It's your club!



Independence Day Bunting
Independence Day Bunting

© 2016-2024 by Independence 4-H.

UC ANR is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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