Independence 4-H
"To make the best better"
April Zoom Meeting
Call Meeting to Order: Mia Wesselkamper
Welcome to our April 4-H Meeting! This page will supplement our Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, April 14th from 4 to 5pm. You should have received an email with the agenda and Zoom link.
Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge
Joey and Caleb Harriman will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. For our new members, here is the 4-H Pledge.
Roll Call: Emily deRutte
Emily, our Vice-President of Membership, will be taking roll during zoom. If you attend all General Club Meetings and complete a record book, you will earn a 100% Attendance Pin for your hat.
Approval of Minutes: Mia
Rowan, our Recording Secretary, prepares the minutes, which is a record of what happens at our General Meetings. Members review the minutes and then vote to approve them at the following meeting. Here are our minutes from last month.
Treasurer's Report: Clay McDonell
Clay, our Treasurer, does all the bookkeeping for the Club and prepares a monthly financial report to share with the members.
For the month of March, there was no income or expenses reported. The ending balance for March was $5730.27.
Correspondence Report: Leo McDonell
Leo, our Correspondence Secretary, sends thank you notes and other letters and records any incoming correspondence on behalf of the club. There was no correspondence for March.
Committee Reports
Chickenque Kahoot Quiz (Quinn and Rowan Craven-Pittman). Quinn and Rowan will be preparing an interactive quiz about the CCQ, and the winner will receive a free pie from the club for your CCQ.
Old Business
1) Fashion Revue (Satleen Gill)
New Business
1) Robotics Project (Harman)
2) May Staggered Club Party (Mia)
3) Record Book Work Party Interest Lists for summer (Mindy)
4) Summer Fair Updates (Mindy)
Community Service
Election Video and Voting (Wilder)
We will be watching the campaign videos together, and after the meeting, our virtual ballot booth will be open until midnight.
Announce the Prize Bin winner. Prize Bin opportunities for April will include April birthdays, and members that run for a Club Officer position, ordered their CCQ tickets online or write an article for the newsletter.
Don’t forget to buy your CCQ tickets online before April 21st
Staggered Arrival May Club Party is set for Friday, May 14th.